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Γεννήθηκα και μεγάλωσα στη γειτονιά της Νίκαιας, ακούγοντας κλασικά λαϊκά τραγούδια από φωνές σαν του Στράτου Διονυσίου, του Γιάννη Πάριου, της Μαρινέλλας, της Χάρις Αλεξίου αλλά και πολύ ξένο ροκ.
Σε ηλικία 15 χρόνων, συνειδητοποίησα ότι εκείνο που πραγματικά ήθελα ήταν να γίνω επαγγελματίας τραγουδιστής.
Τη συνέχεια την ακούτε...
DescriptionGiorgos Mazonakis was born and grew up in the suburbs of Athens, in the area called Nikaia.
Giorgos Mazonakis throughout the 16 years of his discography and throughout the years of his live performances where he stood either alone or he collaborated with popular artists he experienced profound success. He put himself in a continuously changing and evolving process concerning his personal style and his repertoire choices.
He has always been known for his crystal clear opinion about his aesthetical directions his sheer professionalism and the simplicity of his beliefs. It seems that is all about a singer which is hard to group in the stereotyped categories already existing in the Greek music industry.